

April, 2017

April 30, 2017

We enjoyed our walk at the Great Blue Heron Nature Reserve in Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada.

Click below to see Swallows feeding over the marsh.

A Northwestern Crow was calling over and over near the trail as we wandered along.

A Eurasian Collared-Dove was seen nearby.

One of the resident Bald Eagles was adding dry grass to its nest.

Great Blue Herons were still gathering sticks for nest while Great Blue Heron chicks chants filled the air.

A little female Rufous Hummingbird took a break from sitting on her nest to rest and stretch for awhile.

A Peregrine Falcon was seen in the distance.

A female American Robin had a good-sized meal for its chicks.

Wood Ducks were seen along the way.

Many Common Yellowthroats were heard and seen along the trails.

A flock of American Wigeon were seen in the slough.

April 30 Cloudy/Rain 47F (8.3C)

We enjoyed seeing Terry with Bogey, Charlie with Jack, Casey with Ula, Mick with Roscoe, as well as John L. on the trails.

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