

July, 2014

July 21st & 22nd 2014

Our favourite place to walk, in Chilliwack, is the Great Blue Heron Nature Reserve.

We enjoyed seeing young Red-winged Blackbirds following their parents.

Downy Woodpeckers were busy searching for insects.

Willow Flycatchers were hunting insects as well.

American Goldfinch were seen near the Rotary Interpretive Centre’s feeders.

A female Black-headed Grosbeak was seen in a Birch Tree while a few juvenile Black-headed Grosbeaks were seen near the Rotary Interpretive Centre.

One adult and two juvenile Great Blue Herons were seen at the East Bird Blind.

A Belted Kingfisher was also at the East Bird Blind.

Mallards were also at the East Bird Blind.

We also saw the female Common Merganser with her older ducklings at the East Bird Blind.

Cottontail Rabbits were hopping to great heights in front of the Rotary Interpretive Centre. There were two males having a jumping contest near the building. They could almost reach the top of the door frame when they were competing.

American Robins were seen in several areas.

A Swainson’s Thrush was seen in the distance, from the Salwein Creek bridge.

Cedar Waxwings were seen along the trails.

Wood Ducks paddled quietly past the East Bird Blind.

A male Common Yellowthroat was seen along the Salwein Creek trail.

We enjoyed a visit with Penny on the trail, one morning. We also enjoyed visiting with Janet, Karen, Kate, Camille and Val at the Rotary Interpetive Centre.

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